The Representa service, if the e-mail and/or telephone number is provided when making the representation and the sending of communications from the person giving the power of attorney (attorney) and the person receiving the power of attorney (representative) is authorized, sends a warning by e-mail and/or SMS whenever there is a change of status in the representation.

In this way, an e-mail and/or SMS is sent each time:

  • high (indicates if the representation is in “Pending Acceptance” or “Pending Validation”) status
  • revocation
  • resignation
  • validation of a representation pending validation (indicates that it has been registered)
  • denial of a representation pending validation
  • acceptance of a representation pending acceptance (indicates that it has been registered)
  • annulment

In the event that a representation expires, an expiration notice is sent:

  • 1 month before
  • 1 week before
  • at the time of expiry



When a representation is pending acceptance, a notice is sent:

  • 1 week later
  • 1 month later
