How can I cancel a representation?

To cancel a representation you can do it in two ways:

  • From the Consultation of the details of a representation (see section “Consult the details of a representation” in How can I consult representations? )
  • Or, by expanding the button ,which you have in the list of representations:

Once you have selected the cancel option:

Cans the documentation necessary to justify the cancellation of the representation by the administration:

Once the documentation has been entered, you can cancel the representation by clicking on the Cancel button.

If you are sure about this action, inform the reason for the cancellation and click Confirm:

And the representation will remain in the “ cancelled ” state.

If you consult the details of this representation:

Consult the procedure for canceling a representation in What is the procedure for canceling a representation?

How can I resign from a representation?

To resign from a representation you can do so:

  • From the Consultation of the details of a representation (see section “Consult the details of a representation” in How can I consult representations? )
  • Or, by expanding the button , which we have in the list of representations:

Once you have selected the option to resign :

Cans the request made to us by the citizen for the waiver of representation, as well as other documentation that allows us to accredit this action:

Once the documentation has been entered, you can renounce the representation by clicking on the Renunciation button.

If you are sure about this action, click Confirm:

And the representation will remain in “ renounced ” status.

If you consult the details of this representation:

How can I revoke a representation?

To revoke a representation, you can do it in two ways:

  • From the Consultation of the details of a representation (see section “Consult the details of a representation” in How can I consult representations? )
  • Or, by expanding the button, which is in the list of representations:

Once you have selected the revocation option:

Cans the request made by the citizen for the revocation of the representation, as well as other documentation that allows this action to be proven:

Once the documentation has been entered, you can revoke the representation by clicking on the Revoke button.

If you are sure about this action, click Confirm:

And the representation will remain in “revoked” status.

If you consult the details of this representation:

Can a representation in the “Pending Acceptance” status be cancelled?

Yes, a representation in this state is not valid, since it is pending acceptance by the person who did not make the request, but by the other party. For example, if the request was made by the principal, it is pending acceptance by the representative and vice versa.

During this state, it may be decided to cancel this representation by:

  • representative : with the Resignation
  • principal : with the Revocation
  • administration : ex officio, with the Cancellation
Renounce, revoke or cancel several representations at the same time

From the Consult the details of a representation (see the section “Consult the details of a representation” in How can I consult representations? ), you can search and filter the representations that you are interested in renouncing, revoking or canceling together.

Select the representations where you want to perform the corresponding action:

And select the action you want to perform on the selected representations in

Add the documentation that proves the citizen's request, and click on Renuncia. Confirm the renunciation: