You need to click on the Verification tab:
This case corresponds to the moment when we want to know if a principal and a representative, for a specific organization, for a procedure, with a certain capacity and for a certain date, there is a valid representation, with all this data, registered in the Representa.
If there is a representation registered in Representa with this data, the service returns a message similar to this:
If there is NO representation registered in Representa with this data, the service returns a message similar to this:
Once the platform tells us whether or not a representation exists that meets those criteria, a button appears that allows us to download an xml or pdf of the evidence.
In the event that one or neither of the two people does not exist in the Representa database, the following warning will appear:
You must enter the data of the principal and the representative and click on the "Consultation" tab.
There it will allow you to filter by type of representation, organization and state.
You will then see a list of all the representations between the two people, with their most important metadata, and you can download the list in a PDF.
In the event that one or both people do not exist on the platform, a warning will appear indicating this:
From the button of a person, we can see who their powers of attorney and representatives are:

If we click this button, we can see their proxies and representatives:

We can refine this search by these fields:

So if we are looking for who a person is related to based on the type of power of attorney, the organization where the representation takes effect, or the status of the procedures that relate them, we can do so by reporting these fields. For example:
If we filter by the status of their representations:
If we filter by the type of empowerment:
If we are interested in managing the representations of this person with any of their proxies or representatives, we just need to click on the button. that appears with the principal or representative. For example:

If we want to see the representations between this person (Julia Castillo) and her Principal (Anton Morales), click on the Anton Morales consultation button:

It shows us the relationship between these two people according to their position as principal and as representative. It is necessary to see that the procedures they have in common are both expired and therefore they do not have valid representations, as the previous query showed.
Once you have provided the details of the principal and representative, some tabs will appear, as shown in the following image:
- Remember that if you are asked for the name/company name of the principal or the represented person, it means that this person is not registered in Representa, and therefore, will not have representations registered in Representa.
You need to click on the Management tab.
You can refine the query of the representations between the principal and the representation, by reporting the fields that appear and clicking on the Filter field. The representation you want to revoke must be in the Valid status.
As a result of this query, you will get a list of representations between principal and representative, taking into account the filter fields reported. This list will contain the following information. As an example:
If we click on the button, we can obtain the detail of this representation:
And from the detail of the representation, you can:
Resign: The representative renounces the representation granted by the principal. The representation has no effect from the moment of the resignation. See the section on How can I renounce a representation in How can I cancel a representation ?
Revoke: The principal revokes the representation granted to the representative. The representation has no effect from the moment of revocation. See the section on How can I revoke a representation in How can I cancel a representation ?
Cancel: A representation can be canceled if the administration detects an error . What is the procedure for canceling a representation? . See the section on How can I cancel a representation in How can I cancel a representation ?
Accept: A representation that requires acceptance by the representative can be accepted. See the FAQ on How are representations in “Pending Acceptance” managed?
Another way to search for a representation is through the search box at the top right. This box allows you to include the id of a representation and search for it.
Four documents are generated:
- Application receipt : This is a receipt that is automatically generated when the application is sent to the system and provides information about the data of the application made. It can also be retrieved from the representation details by clicking on “Registration receipt”.
- Representation query: this is a report that details all the representations between two people and can be generated when consulting the representation relationship between two people (tab “Management”, searching between two people) by pressing the “Export to pdf” button.
- Representation justification: it is a report that collects all the information related to a specific representation, including its life cycle and that can be generated when viewing the details of a representation by pressing the “Details” > “Export to PDF” button.
- Validation justification: if you want to check if there is a representation between two people for a specific procedure, a specific capacity, for a specific entity and on a specific date, you must access the "Verification" tab and make the query as indicated in the first section of this FAQ. This will generate a validation report in xml and pdf.
Representa reports are a feature to facilitate consultation by interested parties, representatives and/or service users.
It should be noted that Representa is a collaborative registry, so all public entities that use the service are responsible for the information contained therein and, therefore, the reports extracted from the service refer to all representations that have been registered by all of them.
That is, the authorship of the report would be attributed to as many entities as there are users of the service (there are a plurality of entities that can sign it).
Due to all of the above, the reports generated from the service are not signed.